













意大利特兰多大学 结构与工程力学系 博士学位                                             2008/3

Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering, University of Trento, Italy

论文:分块的有限元动力时程积分算法在混杂体系并行式模拟中的应用     Development of Partitioned Time Integration Schemes for Parallel Simulation of Heterogeneous Systems.

导师:Oreste S. Bursi 教授 副导师:Pierre Pegon 研究员(欧盟联合研究中心JRC

同济大学 建筑工程系  硕士学位(钢结构方向)              2003/6


导师:邓长根 教授

同济大学 建筑工程系 学士学位                                         2000/7


导师:邓长根 教授


比利时天主教鲁汶大学土木工程系 博士后                      2009/10 – 2013/6

导师:Guido De Roeck 教授


或者轨道的连续性而引起的动力弱耦合现象;负责指导了硕士论文:无线网络的采样同步对结构工作状态模态分析的影响(Time Synchronization in Operational Modal Analysis with Wireless Sensor Networks);提出了一种新型的分块的有限元动力时程积分算法(多步长及显式和隐式相结合)。

意大利特兰多大学结构与工程力学系 博士后                             2008/3-2009/9

分析并比较了多种线性隐式整体式有限元动力时程积分算法在实时动力子结构试验中的应用;参与欧盟研究课题“欧洲地震工程联网”(Seismic Engineering Research Infrastructures for European Synergies http://www.series.upatras.gr/)的申请并负责了子课题“新型传感器、数据处理与模型分析”(Advanced Sensing, Data Processing and modelling)的准备工作;参与了欧盟研究课题“基于光纤传感器的隧道结构健康状态预警与地震灾害评估系统”的验证试验设计工作(Fibre Optics-Based Intelligent Monitoring and Assessment System for Proactive Maintenance and Seismic Disaster Prevention in Reinforced Concrete Tunnel Linings http://www.monico-eu.org)。

意大利特兰多大学结构与工程力学系 博士生                          2004/12-2008/3

推广了广义-α时程积分算法(Generalized-α method)在分块的有限元并行式动力时程积分中的应用;提出了一种新型的具有可控数值阻尼的分块的有限元并行式动力时程积分算法;验证了一种分块的有限元并行式动力时程积分算法的收敛性,并分析了该算法对结构抗震拟动力子结构试验的有效性。

上海冶金设计研究院 (现宝钢工程技术集团有限公司) 工程师       2002/6-2004/11



2014/5/4 2014年第十一届“福建青年五四奖章集体”荣誉称号                                       

2003/6  上海市优秀毕业生             


L. He, E. Reynders, E. Simoen and G. De Roeck. Vibration-based damage assessment of the boirs viaduct with a multilevel model updating approach. Structural Health Monitoring – an international journal. (Accepted for publication), 2014

S. Qin, E. Reynders, L. He, T. Bui and G. De Roeck. Effects of initial conditions in operational modal analysis. Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 21(4): 557-573, 2013.

O. S. Bursi, L. He, C.P. Lamarche and A. Bonelli. Linearly implicit time integration methods for real-time dynamic substructure testing, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 136: 1380-1389, 2010. P3

O.S. Bursi, L. He, A. Bonelli and P. Pegon. Novel generalized-alpha methods for interfield parallel integration of heterogeneous structural dynamic systems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 234(7): 2250-2258 2010. P2

A. Bonelli, O.S. Bursi, L. He, G. Magonette and P. Pegon. Convergence analysis of a parallel interfield method for heterogeneous simulations with dynamic substructuring. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 75:800-825 2008. P1

邓长根,何乐洽. 空间索桁结构几何非线性分析的实用方法. 结构工程师(增刊), 20037.

M. Sol
ís, L. He, G. Lombaert and G. De Roeck. Finite element model updating of a footbridge based on static and dynamic measurements. 4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Kos Island, 12-14 June 2013. B8

L. He, S. Qin, T.T. Bui, M. Cuadrado, P. Museros, E. Reynders and G. De Roeck. Operational modal analysis of a high-speed railway bridge: the Jalón viaduct. International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA), Leuven, Belgium, 17-19 September 2012. B7

L. He, E. Simoen, E. Reynders and G. De Roeck. Vibration-based damage assessment of the Boirs viaduct by using finite element model updating. 5th European Conference on Structural Control, Genoa, Italy, 18-20 June 2012. B6

T.T. Bui, L. He and G. De Roeck. Ambient vibration test of the Guadalquivir railway bridge. 5th European Conference on Structural Control, Genoa, Italy, 18-20 June 2012. B5

J. García-Palacios, A. Samartín, R. Ortega, A. Araujo, O. Nieto-Taladriz, J. Blesa, E. Romero, E. Reynders, G. De Roeck, L. He and F. Percivale. Some advances in extensive bridge monitoring using low cost dynamic characterization. International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures, Varenna, Italy, 3-5 October 2011. B4

V. Zabel, M. Brehm, S. Ahmad, L. He and G. De Roeck. Experimental and numerical investigations of the global dynamic behaviour of a steel railway bridge. Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik, the Symposium of the German, Austrian and Swiss Societies of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. Hannover, 15-16 September 2011. B3

L. He, E. Reynders, T. Hsu and G. De Roeck. Analysis of dynamic coupling between spans of two multi-span bridges using ambient vibration measurements. 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Leuven, Belgium, 4-6 July 2011. B2

T. Rauert, M. Feldmann, L. He and G. De Roeck. Calculation of bridge deformations due to train passages by the use of strain and acceleration measurements from bridge monitoring supported by experimental tests. 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Leuven, Belgium, 4-6 July 2011. B1

L. He and G. De Roeck. Extensions of the generalized-alpha method to multi-time-step integration in structural dynamics. 3rd International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Corfu, 25-28 May 2011. P5

O.S. Bursi, L. He, C. Jia and P. Pegon. Coupled integration of dynamic systems based on L-stable linear-implicit methods. 3rd International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Ischia, Italy, 8-10 June 2009. P4

O.S. Bursi, L. He, L. Vulcan, P. Pegon and D.J. Wagg. Novel time integrators applied to non-linear real time and pseudo-dynamic tests. 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China, 12-17 October, 2008. P3

O.S. Bursi, L. He, A. Bonelli and P. Pegon. Use of generalized-alpha methods for interfield parallel integration of heterogeneous structural dynamic systems. 4th International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering, Liège, Belgium, 26-28 May 2008. P2

O.S. Bursi, A. Bonelli, L. He, G. Magonette and P. Pegon. Characterization of a parallel interfield procedure for pseudo-dynamic testing with heterogeneous substructuring. International Conference of Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Rethymno, Crete, Greece, 13-16 June 2007. P1

何乐洽. 轻型门式刚架端板连接节点工作性能分析. 上海冶金设计研究院建院45周年院庆论文集. 20039.

邓长根, 何乐洽, 沈祖炎, 陈扬骥, 陈以一, 陈城. 广州体育馆钢结构次桁架足尺试验及分析. 管结构技术交流会论文集, 西安, 200111.